Game a Week: Week 35



Once I complete my contract work, I’ve decided that I would like to spend some time exploring one of my previous game a week games further (not as part of Game a Week). One of the main things that I am planning on implementing in this game is a networked multiplayer feature. As I have no real experience with networking, I’ve decided to spend the next few weeks using my Game a Week challenge to also assist in me learning how to implement networking in Unity.

The idea for week’s game was the most basic idea that I could think of that would require multiple players to complete: it is a game where one player (it doesn’t matter who) simply has to reach a goal. Because the goal is sufficiently out of reach, multiple players have to work together to achieve this goal. I figured that this would be simple enough as a game and would allow me ample time to learn the basics of networking.

What went right

I got a networked multiplayer game to work. Thanks to a wonderful tutorial that I found by Paladin Studios, I had networking up and running in Unity in no time. This tutorial covered a lot of the things that I was wary of (such as simple synchronization), and was super super helpful (Thanks, Paladin!).  Though the stuff that I’ll need to do for my game will be a bit more complicated, this gave me a pretty good base of knowledge to work off of in the upcoming weeks.

What went wrong

A lot of the networking code that I ended up implementing for this game was incredibly messy and essentially un-reusable. I was hoping to be able to continuously build off of each week’s code as I go through this networking sub-challenge, but due to poor time planning and general lack of understanding of networking as I was going along, this week’s networking code ended up as a giant spaghetti mess.

What I learned

Networking! It’s not too hard in Unity, so that’s pretty cool.

1 Response

  1. Networking is its own giant tangled ball of a mess in the first place. For Unity to make it at least serviceable, even if is literally the weakest part of the tool (oh, and tags…what is seriously up with Unity’s implementation of tags!?), speaks for itself. Keep at it, and good luck.

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