- WEEK 12 -
- The goal of this game is to get your token onto your opponent's Player card while protecting your Player card
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- TO PLAY: You will need 2 people, a deck (which you can print here: page 1, page 2, page 3 - BIG thanks to Andrew Gleeson for the custom deck cards), and two items to use as player tokens
- SETup -
- - Remove the two player cards and shuffle the remaining deck
- - Place 42 cards face down in a 7x6 grid
- - Deal remaining 10 cards to both players
- - Each player sits on opposite sides of the card grid
- Each player replaces one card in the row closest to them with their player card (face up) placing the replaced card in their hand (See below)
- - Each player should now have 6 cards in their hand
- - Place your player token along the same row as your player card
- moveMENT -
- - Flip over the card under your player token and move the number of spaces and in the direction indicated on the card (rotate the card to that the number is facing you)
- - Continue moving until you land on a RED card
- - Other than your VERY first move of the game, you should always start your turn on a RED card or your player card
- - To start a new turn, move the number of spaces and in the direction indicated on the card (rotate the card to that the number is facing you)
- ***
- Before EACH TIME move your token the following two things may happen
- - The NON MOVING player may replace any card on the board except for the player card as well as the card either player is currently occupying
- - The MOVING player may replace any card on the board except for the player card as well as the card either player is currently occupying
- - The non moving player cannot replace a card after the moving player has
- - The new card is placed face down and the replaced card goes into the player's hand
- SPECIALrules -
- - All movements wrap around the board
- - If you land in another player's occupied space, displace the other player a distance of 1 in any direction
- The goal of this game is to get your token onto your opponent's Joker card while protecting your Joker card
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- TO PLAY: You will need 2 people, a standard playing card deck with 2 joker cards (or anything to designate as a joker), and two items to use as player tokens
- SETup -
- - Remove the two joker cards and shuffle the remaining deck
- - Place 42 cards face down in a 7x6 grid
- - Deal remaining 10 cards to both players
- - Each player sits on opposite sides of the card grid
- Each player replaces one card in the row closest to them with the joker (face up) placing the replaced card in their hand (see below)
- - Each player should now have 6 cards in their hand
- - Place your player token along the same row as the joker
- moveMENT -
- - During your turn, you continue to move until you land on an odd numbered card or your own joker
- - EVEN NUMBERED CARD: Move a distance equal to half of the card's value in the direction shown below (direction is relevant to the player's perspective of the board)
- - FACE CARD: Move a distance of 2 in any directoin
- - ODD NUMBERED CARD: Your turn ends
- - YOUR OWN JOKER CARD: Your turn ends
- Other than your very first move of the game, you should always start your turn on either an odd numbered card or a joker card. To start your current turn, move according to the rules below
- - ODD NUMBERED CARD: Move a distance equal to hald of the card's value (round down) in the direction shown above
- - YOUR OWN JOKER CARD: Move 1 in any direction
- ***
- After you move your token, flip over the card currently under your player token (if not already flipped over) and follow the general movement rules above for the current card
- ***
- Before each time you move your token the following two things may happen
- - The NON MOVING player may replace any card on the board except for the joker as well as the card either player is currently occupying
- - The MOVING player may replace any card on the board except for the joker as well as the card either player is currently occupying
- - The non moving player cannot replace a card after the moving player has
- - The new card is placed face down and the replaced card goes into the player's hand
- SPECIALrules -
- - All movements wrap around the board
- - If you land in another player's occupied space, displace the other player a distance of 1 in any direction